execution unit

美 [ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn ˈjuːnɪt]英 [ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn ˈjuːnɪt]
  • 网络执行单元;执行部件;执行单位;执行机构了;指令执行部件
execution unitexecution unit
  1. Caches are the memory closest to the processor execution unit .


  2. Second , SEDA ETL uses stage as basic execution unit instead of whole ETL process .


  3. Among them , power - driven operator system is the execution unit in industrial apparatus .


  4. Design of an Integer Execution Unit in an Embedded RISC Microprocessor


  5. The whole UIT device comprises the power and the execution unit .


  6. Taking Inter Execution Unit as example , discuss the verification strategy and methods for module level verification .


  7. It is responsible for decoding , issuing , establishing bypass and transporting instructions to execution unit .


  8. In Windows , the thread is the basic execution unit , and the process is a container that holds this thread .


  9. Present the architecture of floating-point execution unit , and establish the detailed implementation flow of trigonometric function using HP CORDIC .


  10. This paper discusses how to drive the execution unit effectively with single D / A converter in a microcomputer controlled multiplexing time-sharing system .


  11. In turn , the message-driven rule bean calls the rulesets running in the Execution Unit ( XU ) .


  12. The system integrates the following modules : information sensor module , wireless communication module , notice module , control module , execution unit and wireless power supply module .


  13. It is given that the detailed design of the integer execution unit , include ALU , multiplier , barrel shifter and register files .


  14. For the simplicity of illustration , the Java SE rule session type is selected and a rule session embeds the Java SE execution unit .


  15. It is given that detailed design of the ALU unit , includes the execution unit , datapath , instruction and the trade-off in the design .


  16. The paper introduces a distributed control system for automatically detecting line of automobile , and emphatically presents main execution unit of detecting line and analog signal channel as well as communication adapter .


  17. From a runtime point of view , more CPU cycles are needed to load the rulesets when an execution unit is created and more memory is consumed by the executable units .


  18. The study of ECU is emphasis , to understand its basic structure , to analyze sensor input signal treatment circuit and execution unit drive circuit , to analyze microprocessor . So , basic design tactics of hardware system is get .


  19. The micro-resonator widely used in the MEMS component as the sensation or execution unit , but parts of its components work in electrostatic field , the movement of the component would be hindered by the electrostatic resistance .


  20. The wireless power supply module includes two parts , the external power transmission part and the internal power receive part . The wireless power supply module fulfills the power requirement of internal wireless communication module , information sensor module and execution unit .


  21. Chain transmission mechanism ( CTM ) is key execution unit of chain gun for ammunition feeding , breech opening and locking . Therefore the design quality of CTM will bring effects on the overall performance of the artillery system .


  22. SP3.1 Perform verification on the selected work products . FEU Floating point Execution Unit . This performs floating point related calculations for both existing scalar instructions along with support for some of the new SIMD-FP instructions .


  23. A highway maintenance management station , as a basic execution unit in highway maintenance tasks , plays a very important role in highway maintenance . The rationality of the layout of the highway maintenance management station will determine the most optimum distribution of the tense maintenance resources .


  24. Execution of unit tests always preceded builds ; it was unacceptable to introduce into a build simple defects that could have been caught through unit tests .


  25. 6 , Design selective dual path execution fetch instruction unit .


  26. Testing a user interface component requires execution of the unit , data entry , and evaluation of the results .


  27. The setUp method is called before execution of a unit test , and tearDown is called when the test is executed .


  28. A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit .


  29. This paper has discussed the relationship between the machine cycle and instruction execution time for superscalar RISC architecture , issuing multiple instructions in one machine cycle . Several new design features of superscalar RISC architecture with single execution unit and multiple function units have been analysed .
